[VHFcontesting] VE3OIL/r June plans

russell beech rbeech2002 at yahoo.ca
Mon Jun 9 12:23:46 EDT 2014

Once again I plan to rove this June.  I expect to have all of my gear running, 50 MHz through 10 GHz.  I have addressed the 903/902 issue identified in January.  All the other bands are the tried and true complement that have proven themselves to be reliable performers over the years.  I expect to give them a check-up this week and confirm that no new issues developed over the winter.

I will call on 144.237 whenever I am not pulled away by other activities.  I will also have FM available on most bands and will monitor 146.550 continuously.

Skeds are welcome, please contact me at ve3oil at yahoo.ca and I will return a list of suggestions.

The full route is (in GMT) :

FN13ax   1930    2100
FN14ba   2200    0030

FN04xa   0110    0300
EN93xh   1230    1330  at border of FN03ah
FN02ax   1500    1600
EN92fn    1930    2100
EN82td    2230   2330

EN81rx    0020   0150
EN82sa   0210  0300


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