[VHFcontesting] AC0RA/R

Wyatt Dirks wyattdirks at msn.com
Tue Jun 10 19:53:24 EDT 2014

Plans for this weekends VHF contest are as follows.
1800-2000utc en40xx 
2000-2200utc en50ax 
2200-0000utc en41xa
0000-0300utc en51bh
Might stay out later if there is activity.
1200-1400utc en52ax
1400-1600utc en53aa
1600-1800utc en43xa
1800-2000utc en42ut
2300-0100utc en31xx
0100-0300utc en32xa
All the locations are right except for the first three grids. I will be close to the four corners but just not sure on spots to setup yet. The rest of the grids I have been to the locations I plan to setup at. 
Ill be running 6m through 432mhz with the following for gear. 
6m- 3 element yagi at 25ft with 150w
2m- 2 7 element yagis centered at 18ft with 180w (waiting for replacement part so might have to run one yagi)
222mhz- 10 element yagi at 18ft with 100w
432mhz- 15 element yagi at 18ft with 100w
In the past have been able to work out to 300+ miles with this setup on flat conditions so keep your ears open for me. If you want to line a sked up email me and we will try to work something out. 
Hope to see everyone in the contest.
73 Wyatt

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