[VHFcontesting] KB8OIU/R (or K8WTF/R) from NEOH / NWPA

Matt Whitted matt at podsix.org
Fri Jun 13 08:55:55 EDT 2014

Greetings all.  This will be my second year roving for the June VHF.  This
year my father Tom (WA8WZG) will be joining me - returning to VHF
contesting after a bit of a hiatus.

Saturday we will likely have a late start in EN80 and will try to also
cover EN81 and EN91.  Sunday we will cover EN92, FN02, and FN01.  We will
spend a few hours in each grid operating 6, 2 and 432.  We will also have 6
meters while in motion, as well as 2m FM (146.58) and APRS if possible.

ULS has not yet updated with my new call, so we will either be on as
K8WTF/R or KB8OIU/R depending on what the FCC says I am at the time the
contest starts.

We will be equipped for digital, although possibly a bit underpowered.  I
am inexperienced at digital modes on VHF+, but we are open to skeds if
anyone wishes to give it a shot with a newbie - just contact me off-list.

I look forward to working a few of you - good luck to all.

Matt / KB8OIU

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