[VHFcontesting] K7BWH June VHF Contest

Barry Hansen barry at k7bwh.com
Thu Jun 19 12:58:44 EDT 2014

My goal was to refine my hilltopping station by using it on my desk at home.
The metaphor is: Sometimes you take an axe, go in the woods and pound on
trees. And sometimes you stay home and sharpen your axe. This was my weekend
to sharpen axes.

Saturday had a brief opening from Seattle to New Mexico, and Sunday offered
a good opening to California. I had good signal reports from LA and owned
50.150 for a while. Anyone that tuned around the band worked me, but there
were surprisingly few 6m ops that turned the knob up that far.

On 6m, I used 500w with a rooftop 3-el beam; I could work everyone I heard,
great fun. On 2m, I used a 7-el beam but only 50w. 

And it was a good thing I stayed home. My new 2m amp couldn't run from my
generator. My laptop couldn't run WSJT9; my desktop could run meteor scatter
but the system was nearly deaf and I had zero contacts in three hours.

And now I know exactly which axes need sharpening.


ARRL June VHF Contest

Station: K7BWH at CN87xn

Club: Pacific Northwest VHF Society

Class: Single Op HP


Band QSOs  Grids


   50     76       14

144     19       3


Total:  95     17

Claimed score: 1,615


73 Barry K7BWH

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