[VHFcontesting] KB6KQ Loops Live Again!

David Pruett k8cc at comcast.net
Fri Oct 31 04:11:01 EDT 2014

After my recent comment about KB6KQ VHF loops (which were discontinued 
when KB6KQ became a Silent Key), I got a note from Lu, N2SLN letting me 
know that these fine antennas are again available from a company called 
Loops-N-More located in KS.

I have had a pair of KB6KQ 6M loops stacked on the side of one of my 
towers for about ten years as an omnidirectional alternative to my 
long-boom yagis, and can attest to their electrical performance and 
mechanical longevity.  Loops-N-More offers a 6M model, a 2M/70cm dual 
bander, and a 125 cm model, all of which have potential for simple, low 
$$$ rover applications.

They have a nice web site with technical information and on-line ordering:


Thanks to Lu, N2SLN for bringing this to my attention.  I thought others 
here on the reflector might be interested in this info as well, 
particularly if KU4AB isn't filling orders.

73, Dave/K8CC

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