[VHFcontesting] ARRL Proposal for a combined 10 Meter & 6Meter Contest

Ron Rogers ww8rr at charter.net
Thu Sep 4 19:12:14 EDT 2014

I just knew there had to be a good reason why Cushcraft started making the
10 Meter Squalo antenna again !!!

ASQ-10 >>  50" X 50"  

-----Original Message-----
From: VHFcontesting [mailto:vhfcontesting-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf
Of Dan Evans
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2014 7:04 PM
To: 'Zack Widup'; 'VHF Contesting Reflector'
Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] ARRL Proposal for a combined 10 Meter & 6Meter

I agree with most everyone else, a 10 & 6 meter contest would be fun!

Given a few points such as:

1. 	A new contest, don't take away from any of the existing contests VHF
or HF...
2.	Use VHF contest general rules.  QSO's X Grids, etc...
3.	I agree that E'skip season would be ideal, but, it may be a bit
tough to schedule.  Between spring sprints, June VHF, Field Day, CQ-VHF,
IARU HF, 	it's a busy season.  I'm not sure where to squeeze it in.

Zack is right, it will be another challenge for Rovers.  Before I got into
VHF contest Roving, I used to do several of the HF contests as a portable,
10 meter only.  The 102" whip will work well, particularly from a good
hilltop.  One of my best contests was done from a local hilltop using a
homebrew "bigfoot" mast support, 12' of mast, and an Antron 99 tuned for 10
meters.  The rig was an HTX-100 with about 25 watts out :-)  Of course, this
was back in the early 90's when 10 was pretty hot.

Today, I would likely use my VHF Rover setup with the pickup truck and push
up mast.  With the Moxon for 6 meters, and a 102" whip at the top of the

Amateur Radio Emergency Service, Clark County Indiana. EM78el 
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 ***QRP-l #1269 
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-----Original Message-----
From: VHFcontesting [mailto:vhfcontesting-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf
Of Zack Widup
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2014 1:16 PM
To: VHF Contesting Reflector
Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] ARRL Proposal for a combined 10 Meter & 6 Meter

I imagine the scoring would be like the other VHF contests - the exchange
would be grid squares and the mults would be grid squares, unlike the 10
Meter Contest where the mults are states/provinces/DX entities.

The problem I have with my own participation is that I usually do portable
operations from hilltops, and a 10 meter antenna might be more difficult to
manage unless I go with a 102 inch whip on the car for 10m.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 11:41 AM, Vhfrover via VHFcontesting <
vhfcontesting at contesting.com> wrote:

>  I would be in favor of a combined 6 and 10M contest as long as it would
> NOT diminish the existing annual December ARRL 10M contest in any way.
> existing 10M contest is very popular and I have enjoyed participating in
> with my portable setup from one of the local rover hilltops.  A
> 6 and 10M contest might even pull some of the HF contest operators to use
> the 6M position on their rigs.
> 73, Mike WB8BZK

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