[VHFcontesting] General Contest rules on VHF

Mike (KA5CVH) Urich mike at ka5cvh.com
Sat Jan 3 10:36:48 EST 2015

On Fri, Jan 2, 2015 at 7:05 PM, k2drh at frontiernet.net
<k2drh at frontiernet.net> wrote:

I have no clue why Yahoo Mail and the reflector see fit to add
numerous question marks and run the message all together like that
either .. sigh

Mike can partly answer that.

I admin some lists that also uses the mailman client as does this one.
Yahoo, <yeah-who> finally got around to it and implemented DMARC
and the way they did it upset the whole great western world when it
comes to mailman ran lists.  I'm not sure that Yahoo/DMARC is causing
the issue you're seeing but its something to consider.

Mike Urich KA5CVH

If a "flat tithe" is good enough for God; then a "flat tax" should be
good enough for Washington.

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