[VHFcontesting] A few Comments on improving "The World Above 50 MHz"

jon jones n0jk at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 13 12:58:54 EST 2015

I appreciate the comments re. the column. The column is for you.
The basic format of the WA50 follows Gene, W3ZZ's with a column lead (s) followed by propagation reports and "here and there."
I use material sent to me, but have to search out both propagation reports (I am on ON4KST) and topics (from the 205MR and this and other mailing lists). It is like pulling teeth
to get prop. reports for 222 MHz and above. N0IRS, W0RT, NY2NY, KF6A, K5SW, WB4SLM , N4PZ and others have sent great 222 MHz and up reports. The vast majority of
propagation reports received are for 50 MHz. 
 >I'd love to see stories on grid expeditions, getting started on 222, 
> backyard EME, satellite operation, etc. - N1LF
In the March, 2015 WA50 -  70 cm will be featured in the column lead with a story by K4MSG about his "backyard" 70 cm EME activity with 170 W and 2 yagis and 70 cm DTV work by
KH6DTV along with 70 cm antenna construction ideas. 
The January 2015 WA50 had getting started on the 222 MHz band by N6NB and N1LF's story of achieving 2 meter VUCC with attic antennas and 100W. November, 2014
WA50 reported K6CS' summer grid expedition to CN71 and K5N's 6 & 2 meter (including EME) grid expedition to DM71. K5N's prior grid expeditions have been covered in past
QST has only limited space available to the various columns. 
If you have a current propagation report or would like to write a short story about your grid expedition, UHF, EME, meteor scatter or other activity, please let me know.
 - Jon N0JK

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