[VHFcontesting] January VHF contest

Herb Krumich wa2fgk at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 29 11:01:50 EDT 2015

Last night after being quite tired from 22 hours of CW operations in Field Day, I finally had a chance to read this months QST.  I centered in on the results of the January VHF SS.
In the beginning of the article, Jon brought up activity levels. I noticed six meters is holding it's own, but two meters has really fallen off. The microwave bands are much better than years past.
What Jon never discussed was rovers. The only reason why the microwave numbers are better is for that reason alone. 
I would rather have seen a listing of "different stations", not amount of contacts. Jons numbers are quite deceiving. When I was active in VHF contests, there were rovers I received 50 contacts from. Five grids and 10 contacts per . And I live 100 miles from where most rovers drive. I can't imagine how many Q's are a product of the mighty rove guys. 
But here is my main reason for this letter  
I am totally convinced hams are asking for far to many categories. This is absolutely crazy. Limited this and limited that. I realize the ARRL is trying to get more stations involved in VHF contesting, but making the pot soft, is accomplishing nothing. It all started when they started Limited Multi Op. This begged stations to leave their microwave equipment home. Now there is a rediculous amount of rover categories. Think about what the winners have accomplished and received. Yes you have accomplished, but what you have won is a certificate which nobody will ever see, since there are by far to many of them. 
I noticed after this past June contest, there were many E mails floating with complaints. 
Enough is enough. I really think our country has gotten so soft, it even now applies to our great hobby. 
I never see any rule changes, in low band contesting, and every year activity seems to increase.
I will say that the ARRL made a wise choice in allowing the internet to be used. A very wise choice since it has become a very important tool in daily long haul VHF activities.
I know that it will certainly help during the ARRL EME contests. The likes of Dan HB9Q might actually submit a log this year. He has been protecting this contest for years.
Well that's it from the wet lands of Bear Creek, Pa. Good luck to everyone in the years to come.
Herb K2LNS

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