[VHFcontesting] Looking for RoverStaus IOS Beta Testers...

Gerry Hull gerry at w1ve.com
Fri Sep 4 09:00:35 EDT 2015

Hey Folks,

We will have a fully-functional iOS version of the RoverStatus application
for iOS phones ready in the next few days.

If you would like to be  beta tester and use it for the contest, please
send me an email with the email associated with your Apple  ID, and the
iPhone or iPod Touch (>=5th generation; need internet access) you are using.

We only need 8 or so people.

You can learn about RoverStatus at www.roverStaus.info.

This is a free app/service.

Please email your info direct to gerry at w1ve.com.

We will contact you and provide a private link to the app in the Beta area
of the App Store.

73, Gerry W1VE

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