[VHFcontesting] Challenge

stanka1ze at aol.com stanka1ze at aol.com
Fri Sep 4 16:11:09 EDT 2015

 I am looking for hams that would like to do propagation tests on 144 MHz. My location is north central Pa on the NY border in FN01. The station runs 750 watts to vertically stacked 4 X 12 element G0KSC OWL yagis. 
 I am on every morning from 8AM until around 10AM and can be found on the ON4KST chat page. Currently I am testing with Ronald W9ZIH in EN51 560 miles from my QTH. Many days Bob W9EWZ EN52 573 miles from my station also joins in. To date there has not been a day when we were not able to complete the QSO. If you are within 600 miles of FN01xt and would like to test weak signal CW please let me know.
 I also have a Facebook page called 205MorngReport and would invite all from all corners of North America to find a partner 500+ miles from you to run propagation tests. Please send your success logs to me and I would like to share them with our weak signal followers.
 73, Stan KA1ZE/3 FN01xt

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