[VHFcontesting] POSSIBLY Activation Of Water Grids Vancouver, B.C. -> Los Angeles, CA

peter h n6ze at aol.com
Sat Sep 5 20:42:43 EDT 2015

Subject to approval pending of the Master of the cruise ship, I hope to provide CN & CM water grids for West Coast VHF/UHFers.

I am not sure how far we'll be offshore, but the last time we did it, land was never in sight while in open water. 

Projected Data: ETD Vancouver 1700PDT Monday, 14 Sept - ETA San Pedro (Los Angeles) 0600PDT Thursday, 17 Sept. 2015

Our cabin balcony will face Easterly throughout the trip.

ALL QRP Equipment: FT817: 6m/2m/70cm SSB/CW & ALINCO DJ-G29 135cm/33cm FM
Antennae: whips on all bands, with possibility of dipole on 6m/2m &/or small Arrow Yagi on 2m/70cm.

I hope to listen/call during minutes 00 - 05 during waking hours.

Due to very high internet/text/phone rates I might not be contactable while at sea.

If skds desired, please send e-mail to N6ZE at aol.com

bt73Pete, N6ZE

PS: The last time I did this cruise, I heard lots of PNW stations during the 2m Fall SPRINT, but heard only the K6FV/B 6m beacon when offshore from SFO.

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