[VHFcontesting] K1MUJ DE FN31XV

PAUL ROLLINSON paulrollinson at sbcglobal.net
Wed Sep 9 09:29:13 EDT 2015

Good morning all,
This weekend a small group of locals will be setting up Field Day style from FN31XV at 860ASL. We will be operating using K1MUJ and have 6M - 2.4Ghz + 10GHZ available.
This is a proven location having been used  (at -13F) for the 2009 January VHF contest.
We have some talented CW ops with the group this weekend as well as someone intimate with digital modes.
Point at us occasionally and try to work us on all the bands.
73, have fun, and be careful. Paul Rollinson, KE1LI
Paulrollinson at sbcglobal.net  

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