[VHFcontesting] W7QQ/r in September contest

James Duffey jamesduffey at comcast.net
Thu Sep 10 21:19:54 EDT 2015

W7QQ and I will rove in his rover. We will start in Western CO and go down to Albuquerque. Bill’s rover has all bands 50MHz to 24GHz, with 24GHz being WBFM.

Time	Grid
Saturday September 12, 2015
1800Z	DM59
2010Z	DM69
2220Z	DM68
Sunday September 13, 2015 (Z still Saturday Local)
0115Z	DM58
1500Z	DM57
1945Z	DM56
2345Z	DM65
0215	DM65 Albuquerque for locals and FM QSOes
0259 Contest ends

We will be running RoverStatus, so you can follow our status on APRS.fi or whatever DX Cluster you prefer. Be careful when following us on DX Cluster, it will pick up the /R as russia, so if you filter on NA you will miss us. I am not sure if this can be fixed or not. 

Listen for the weak ones. - Duffey KK6MC

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