[VHFcontesting] Last wk 4 erlybd dscnt MASVHF Conf

Rick R rick1ds at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 14 21:21:12 EDT 2015

Registration now open on-line and by mail. October 2,3,4, 2015 at the Holiday Inn Bensalem-Philadelphia  call them at 215-639-9100 for roomsEarly Bird Conference registration $40 ONLY UNTIL Sept 20 and will be $50 starting Sept 21. Early Bird Banquet with door prizes (we have some good ones) $40 ONLY UNTIL Sept 20 and will be $50 starting Sept 21. Fri eve: Hospitality and table-top indoor selling  Saturday: Conference 8a-5p registration includes pizza lunch and snacks and proceedings disc  Saturday: 10a-4p Technical test bench with Greg Bonaguide of Rohde & Schwarz  Saturday eve: Banquet, speaker, door-prizes*  Sunday AM: limited outdoor flea-market free to all.   *You must be registered and paid for conference and banquet to be eligible for door prizes  Contact Rick, K1DS at 215-284-5517  or rick1ds at hotmail.com   Go to the Packrat Website PACKRATVHF.COM  and click on the VHF Conference link for all information  OR USE: http://dataandwireless.com/packrat/2015_vhf_registration.php 		 	   		  

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