[VHFcontesting] Waveguide stuff for sale

Fletch fletchv3 at frontiernet.net
Mon Apr 4 11:54:49 EDT 2016

I have a huge stack of WR-62 waveguide, Transco Waveguide Switches, 
Flexible line sections, waveguide to SMA adapters, dummy loads, 
weatherproof boxes and strangely shaped line sections that I would like 
to get rid of because it is taking up too much space in storage. There 
is also some WR-75 copper in odd shapes and flex lines. There are also a 
large number of RF gasketed waterproof Hoffman enclosures with various 
microwave components inside. The Transco switches are in excellent 
condition and there is at least 80 ft of 8 foot long straight sections. 
Remember this stuff is all useable at 10GHz; you might be interested in 
the following discussion on the subject. http://www.wa1mba.org/wavegd.htm

At any rate, the price will be better than right and if you want the 
entire pile that can be negotiated at VERY low cost – I just want it 
gone.I will be at the VHF super-conference in April and can deliver some 
of it there but you would need a long bed pickup or large SUV/Van to get 
it all. It is located about 1.5 hours from the conference. Drop me an 
email and I will try to give you an approximation of what is available 
along with some pictures.

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