[VHFcontesting] [VHF] Comments sought for new ARRL UHF Contest in May

Donald M. Ross N12614 at aol.com
Fri Apr 15 05:33:16 EDT 2016

How about some truth in advertising?  

The ARRL “UHF” contest is not a “UHF” contest.  Last time I checked, UHF is 300 MHz – 3 GHz.  It does not include “… in the bands of 222 MHz through 250 GHz ...”.  A true “UHF” contest should include only the 70cm, 33cm, 23 cm, and 13cm bands.

Of course, their “VHF” contest isn’t a “VHF” contest either.

And 6 Six-Digit-Grid-Square Locators eliminates “run-n-gun” rover operations since I have to stop the rover-mobile to stay within the smaller location footprint.  

Personally, I believe that they moved it because it was too close to their other microwave contest on 20-21 August.  Under this proposal we now have microwave centric contests in January, May, June, August, and September.

Don, NL7CO

-----Original Message-----
From: VHF [mailto:vhf-bounces at w6yx.stanford.edu] On Behalf Of Keith Morehouse via VHF
Sent: Thursday, 14 April, 2016 18:02
To: VHF Reflector <vhf at w6yx.stanford.edu>; vhfcontesting at contesting.com
Subject: [VHF] Comments sought for new ARRL UHF Contest in May

Per today's 'ARRL Letter', the League is looking for comments on the proposed rules for the replacement UHF test.

Proposed items include:

*Held in May, over Mothers Day weekend.


*Team contesting.

*Scoring highly skewed toward microwave bands.

Comments due by first week in June.

Jay W9RM

Keith J Morehouse
via MotoG
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