[VHFcontesting] Yagis on masts

Mike (KA5CVH) Urich mike at ka5cvh.com
Wed Dec 28 08:15:36 EST 2016

On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 10:33 PM, Patrick Thomas
<p-thomas at mindspring.com> wrote:

> I've been considering augmenting the park-and-go rover setup with a push-up mast.  However, I have noticed that the Rohn H50, etc., explicitly state that they are "not recommended" for use with yagis.  And sure, physics would

Mike wrote

Don't you just love the era of "safety labels"?

Apply a little engineering, a dose of safety and use some caution and
for roving you should be just fine.  My only advise with using any
push up pole is to NOT try and fully extend each section.  I have a
50' Rohn that I've used for numerous things from portable to field
day.  This picture was from FD a number of years ago where we just
threw a 3L 50 and CC A270-10S up not so much for any serious attempt
but to have them on the air. While the pole would extend more we
didn't try fully extending each section to add a little more overlap
and strength since we weren't planning on any guy's.  And it was
strapped to a structural leg of a pavilion.


Mike Urich KA5CVH
PIO Harris County ARES
STX: (A)PIC Dist 1 & 14

100 watts and a wire.

"If serving is below you
Leadership is beyond you"

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