[VHFcontesting] AC2GJ/P QRP Portabel for VHF contest Sunday 6/12

Jay Thompson ac2gj at live.com
Fri Jun 10 08:45:48 EDT 2016

AC2GJ will be QRP (10 watts) portable on Sunday 6/12 only from either my backyard in Amherst, NY Grid FN02ox  or my favorite hilltop in Wyoming County grid FN02wu.  I will have 10W on 6 to a dipole and 10W  on 2 to a 5 el WA5VJB cheap yagi, and 223.5 FM on the HT.  Be sure to listen for the pea shooter signals and be patient may take a few times to make the contact.  I can be followed on APRS as AC2GJ and will be on ON4KST chat page if home.  I'll try roverstatus.info but no guarantee as I can never seem to get it to work

73 de Jay AC2GJ (Ex KC2NVL)
QTH = Amherst NY USA Grid FN02 		 	   		  

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