[VHFcontesting] Contesting: Next Steps

Bill Schwantes bill4070 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 31 01:12:16 EDT 2016

Hi John,

There are two answers for suggested next steps:

The first is get better antennas. That's a suggestion that will stay valid
no matter how long you compete.

In VHF+ better antennas are much easier than HF. A good place to start is
by reading Kent Britain's work on "cheap yagis". Kent designed several
yagis for each band 144 through 1296 MHz that are easy and inexpensive to
make and they perform well. You can mount these with vertical or horizontal
polarization so you can see what works best.

The second suggestion has nothing to do with equipment. In a word it's
"promotion". Let people know where and when you'll be operating. Let them
know what bands, frequencies and modes.
Distribute your plan at clubs, email reflectors etc. This might be
especially valuable for FMers because contesting and FM have, until
recently, been mutually exclusive. There's a LOT of FMers. Spread the word
and give some non contesters a challenge to work you in the contest. It can
get contageous but you have to start the "infection".

Good Luck John.

73 Bill
W7QQ DM75ao

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