[VHFcontesting] IC910H Power Output Question

Mike & Becca Krzystyniak k9mk at flash.net
Fri May 13 08:02:34 EDT 2016

Hi Merle,

    Good to see your units numbers coming up.  My 910H makes spec but like the others it is sensitive to supply voltage.  Are you using the Icom supply or another?  I also have my supply adjusted to 15V with a remote sensing wire at the radio.  Lastly, you might play with the coax lengths to your load.  These units have little head room in their designs which make them sensitive to even a little SWR and at the some phase angles they will not make power.

73's  Mike  K9MK/5

-----Original Message-----
From: VHFcontesting [mailto:vhfcontesting-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of MERLE COX 
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 2:17 PM
To: vhfcontesting
Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] IC910H Power Output Question

Thank you all for the very helpful comments. 

Thanks to your tips on proper voltage/power cords and careful measurements, I now have the following Po wer outputs: 

144.2 MHz - 92 Watts into Bird 250C element and 88 Watts measured on the Drake WV-4 

432 & 440 MHz - 75 Watts into Bird 100D element. 

1,296 MHz  - 7.5 - 10.0 Watts from 7 different measurement methods - Bird 25 W 1.1-1/8 GHz & 10 W 400-1,000 MHz elements, Daiwa C495m  & Comet CM1200 1.2 GHz watt meter s, Narda 10 & 20 dB Directional  Couplers, Narda 20 dB, 20 watt attenuator - all 3 into 20 dB HP attenuator and Microwave power meter.  The average was 8.9 - probably "good enough" as KK7B says. 


Merle W7YOZ 

----- Original Message -----

From: "MERLE COX" <w7yoz at centurylink.net> 
To: "vhfcontesting" <vhfcontesting at contesting.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 10:14:47 AM 
Subject: IC910H Power Output Question 

The IC910H is specified to deliver 100 Watts on 144 MHz and 75 Watts on 432 MHz,  but my IC910H and several others I am aware of do not come within 25 Watts of  this on either band.  So I would like to know what others on the list have experienced with this rig?   Mine has been to ICOM twice and both times was sent back saying it puts out the rated power.  I have checked/changed power cords, power supplies (ASTRON 35 Amp.), watt meters ( two different Bird 43 with several 100-250 MHz C elements, Drake WV4), short RG8 connecting cables to Bird and quality loads but still only about 70 Watts on a good day.    
Thanks for the input, 
Merle W7YOZ   

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