[VHFcontesting] FN46 Sept 10
Nick Pick
nicolasgagnon at hotmail.fr
Mon Sep 5 08:03:10 EDT 2016
We are a couple of ham that will go to Mt-Radar next saturday, 2 for a SOTA activation and 2 Rover for the VHF contest, for me, it's my first VHF activity, I will use my simple 20m-6m wire dipôle for 6m SSB and FM, and a home made "mesure tape" yagi for 2m SSB plus a single magmount for 2m FM... and a simple 462Mhz J-Pole that Ill try to use on 70cm...
Rig is a IC-706MKIIG, If condition permit, when going back to Montreal, I will try to activate FN45, FN36 & FN35
The exact location is: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=46.33,-71.153&spn=0.3,0.3&q=46.33,-71.153&hl=fr
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