[VHFcontesting] Attenuation from polarity mismatch (Re: C6AFP Six Meter Beacon

Jerry jer.sieg at shaw.ca
Mon Feb 6 19:54:59 EST 2017

Mike.. Not Exactly Accurate !  I have been in 'Pile Ups' on 6M..many 
S9+++ while Locals with Verticals 'Can hear a few Loud Ones'.. and I can 
hear 'All of Em' !
I have worked 20 - 30 while locals tell me later.. they heard that 'One 
Strong One but just in the noise' !  H vs V may not make a difference at 
25mi.. but 'Sure the He!! does when you stretch it out' !  I have 
chatted with W6's at S9+++ and locals were asking on 2M FM who I was 
talking to, as they could barely hear another stn ! Maybe V - V works.. 
maybe V - H does.. but 6M..  'H - H' !!  73

On 2/6/2017 23:54, Mike (KA5CVH) Urich wrote:
> Here's a non-scientific antidote to all this.  A local ham ~25 miles
> away tried to tell me there was no way we could work each other on SSB
> since his antenna was horizontal and all I had at the time was a GP-9
> vertical.  I said ... try ... it was not a problem.   I even had him
> turn his yagi the other direction ... he could still hear me.  not as
> well of course but could hear me.  I think that he must have scratched
> his head for a month over this.
> he too had fallen prey to tales from the spin doctor crypt.

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