[VHFcontesting] June VHF: K8WTF/R in EN91, EN90, EN81, EN80

Matt Whitted matt at podsix.org
Fri Jun 9 08:59:55 EDT 2017

K8WTF will be active on 6, 2, and 432 for the June VHF contest.  I will be
operating voice an digital modes.  My rough plans are:

Saturday: EN90dx until mid-afternoon, then EN91ci where I will operate into
the wee hours.

Sunday: Operate from the intersection of EN80, EN90, EN91, EN81, roughly in
that order, from morning until mid-afternoon. Finish up in northern EN81
(near the lake somewhere).

Digital: MSK144, especially Saturday night.  I love to experiment and am
not opposed to trying other modes.

I will be on APRS as K8WTF-9. I should be capable of receiving messages but
will be unable to reply.  I am unable to operate while moving other than 2
meter FM - I will be monitoring 146.52 while en route if anyone would like
an FM contact.  I will also be monitoring my e-mail regularly.



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