[VHFcontesting] W9SZ 10 GHz And Up Contest 2017

Zack Widup w9sz.zack at gmail.com
Mon Oct 23 20:48:33 EDT 2017

I just got my log submitted in time but realized I never wrote up a summary.

Weekend 1 -

QSO's - 9 (all on 10 GHz)

Unique Calls - 6

Distance Points - 1721

Weekend 2 -

QSO's - 105 on 10 GHz; New Unique Calls - 9

10 on 24 GHz; Unique Calls - 6

2 on 47 GHz; Unique Calls - 2

Distance points -

20378 on 10 GHz

1142 on 24 GHz

2 on 47 GHz

Totals -

QSO's - 126

Distance Points - 23243

Unique Calls - 23

Score: 25543

The first weekend I operated from the hill in EN50rl and made 5 QSO's
on 10 GHz. I then proceeded south to ultimately end up at Bob N5RP's
QTH. I went to a cemetery on a hill near Ohlmann, IL and made four
more QSO's from there on 10 GHz. I then went to an old AT&T site on a
hill near Jerseyville, IL in EM49ua. I was unable to work anyone from
there. There was a hill to the north and no one to work to the south.
Mildly unsettling because I had to drive an hour out of my way to get
there and an hour back to the route to N5RP. On Sunday morning Bob and
I went to the top of Bald Knob near Alto Pass. It was a long shot to
anyone I could try to work. I wasn't able to work anyone on 10 GHz
from up there.

The second weekend I roved with Pete K9PW and John K9JK up and down
the Wisconsin Lake Michigan shore. Jim W9SNR joined us for most of the
day on Saturday. There were quite a few people to work on the Michigan
side. Also, while we were in Kenosha, Pete and Jim went to a spot that
was line-of-sight at 1.1 km away. We worked on 10 and 24 GHz and then
tried 47 GHz. We may have tried a longer distance but we didn't know
how well my station would perform on that band, as I had never worked
anyone with it yet. So I made my first QSO's on 47 GHz with K9PW and
with W9SNR, who was using a second station loaned to him by Pete. We
went north, stopping at about 8 places to work people on the Michigan
side of the lake. On Sunday we started out in Algoma, Wisconsin, and
went south, stopping at many of the same places, since the Michigan
gang was in a different location on Sunday. We wrapped it up on Sunday
evening in Kenosha. We all made the bulk of our QSO's on the second
weekend. Conditions were a lot better on Sunday than they were on

I'm one of four people I know of in Illinios who has a station on 47
GHz now. Pete and I are going to (hopefully) try for more distance on
that band before winter gets here.

73, Zack W9SZ<div id="DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2"><br />
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