[VHFcontesting] September VHF contest

Jonesy W3DHJ mailserver at jonz.net
Mon Sep 11 09:48:08 EDT 2017

On Mon, 11 Sep 2017, Ron Klimas WZ1V wrote:

>IMO these are no longer Amateur Radio operating skill contests. They
>have evolved into Computer operating skill contests, where whoever has
>the fastest and most computers and monitors running and can type the
>fastest wins. Having to juggle between chat rooms and new digital modes
>vs. actually operating radio has gotten to the point of being
>ridiculous. And what's up with everyone trying to use FT8 to make local
>6m contacts? Half the time they never complete because half the people
>forgot to change to contest mode for grid square exchanges. And the
>idea of everyone trying to use just one frequency for this during a
>contest is like having a bunch of CB radios all stuck on channel 19
>jamming each other.

+1 !!

There should be _separate_ contests.

Contests for Amateur Radio OPERATORS.

Contests for computers owners.

W3DHJ/R -- DM77, DM78, DM87, DM88
  Marvin L Jones     | W3DHJ      | W3DHJ  | https://W3DHJ.net/
   Pueblo, Colorado  |  @         | Jonesy |     __
    38.238N 104.547W |   jonz.net | DM78rf | 73  SK

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