[VHFcontesting] 2018 June VHF Contest - Preliminary Resu

Sean Waite waisean at gmail.com
Wed Aug 22 16:32:18 EDT 2018

I've been working on it. I almost had another rover for part of our trip in
June but he ended up with the W2SZ crowd instead.  We're currently working
on another friend to see if we can get him involved as another op in the
rover or maybe even a second rover with us.

I've also been considering trying to start a Rover Lunch in the New England
vicinity much like the Rochester crew does up in their area. Hang out, eat
some food and bang out a bunch of contacts. It's really hard coordinating
being in an area at a certain time though, especially on the big roves
we've done the last few times where we are traveling over 800 miles.

Worst case I'm going to start buying spare gear and lending it to friends.
No excuses now!

Sean WA1TE

On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 11:36 AM Randy Wing <winger55552001 at yahoo.com>

> We all need to get others interested in roving and fixed operation!
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> On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 9:50 AM, Chris Lumens
> <chris at lumensoutdoors.org> wrote:
> > Main take away for me: Andrea and Ria scored 40k more than us as the
> > limited K2EZ rover than we did as RU and we were operating in the same
> > area. There's clearly a lot of room for us to continue to push that
> record
> > higher. Our next big outing should have 2 or 3 more bands, and we have
> > improved antennas on the microwaves since June.
> >
> >  I now have a 3 week old baby at home so the next few contests are going
> to
> > be minimal efforts for me. Chris is going out as K1SIG for semi-big
> > efforts, I'll be making short couple-hour efforts under my call. We'll be
> > improving the rover over the next yearish and will be back better than
> > ever. Division wins and records are fun and all - we can see those big #1
> > scores within reach though. Watch out, we're coming!
> I'm not sure whether I'll be going out as limited or unlimited for this
> next contest - it depends on if that transverter arrives in time.  If
> limited, I should be able to manage a September record.  If unlimited,
> the record is currently held by W1RT with 85k.  That is certainly out of
> my reach.
> But yeah, this September's efforts will be back to the stop-and-shoot
> style.  I've got these beams, I might as well use them.  It'll hurt the
> score but it'll be fun to get up on some summits and use the stuff.
> We sure do have plenty of room for improvement still.  Obviously more
> bands will help with the score, and I'm planning on upgrading my 222
> transverter to more power at some point in the next year.  After that, I
> think we're just going to have to get smarter on our route and also have
> some propagation luck.  I don't really know what else there is we could
> be doing.
> --
> Chris Lumens - KG6CIH
> Hike * MTB * XC Ski * Haskell
> Research - Experimentation - Testing - More Testing
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