[VHFcontesting] Portable 50 MHz beam antennas

jon jones n0jk at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 16 13:02:47 EST 2018

I received some comments that the link for building a 2 element 6 meter yagi didn't work.

This one does (I am looking at the site as I write this):


It has a picture of the completed yagi, and a plot of the radiation pattern, too. K7YO says he used K6STI's software to design it. He estimates a gain of 5.6 dBi.
Another portable 6 meter antenna is the Quad. In June, 2014 issue of QST pp 30;  Pete, N8PR presents a nifty design for a 2 element 6 meter Quad that can be assembled in the field in less than 5 minutes. The  2 element quad will have a little more gain than the yagi for the same boom length.

 - Jon N0JK

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