[VHFcontesting] K8GP Rover route Jan VHF 2018

Grid Pirates Grid.Pirates at k8gp.net
Fri Jan 19 20:42:55 EST 2018

Terry W8ZN and I (Andy K1RA) will be attempting to take the K8GP rover out
in the ARRL Jan VHF 2018 contest this weekend.  We'll be running 50 MHz -
10 GHz.  RF liaison will be 144.247 MHz - We will receive SMS text messages
ONLY, directly on our laptops at

540-300-5172 <(540)%20300-5172>(K1RA) V/UHF station
740-837-7921(W8ZN) Microwave station

As long as the van keeps rolling, this is our plan for grids and operating

FN10xc - 2:00-4:15pm - 1900-2115z
FN20ac - 4:30-6:45pm - 2130-2345z
FM29ax - 7:00-9:15pm - 0000-0215z
FM19xx - 9:30-11:45pm - 0230-0445z
Elkton, MD sleep
FM28ax - 8:00-10:30am - 1300-1530z
FM18xx - 10:45-1:15pm - 1545-1815z
FM18/19 - 1:30-4:00pm - 1530-2100z (mobile)
FM09te - 4:15-6:15pm - 2115-2315z
FM09/08 - 6:30-7:45pm - 2130-0045z (mobile)
FM08us - 8:00-11:00pm - 0100-0400z

Track our real time location, status and any updates (click car icon) on
APRS over the weekend here


This is our second outing with the newly redesigned rover


The main modification in this contest has been replacing the front crank up
mast with a pneumatic.

73 , GL & hope to CU on the bands.

andyz - K1RA @ K8GP/R

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