[VHFcontesting] FT8 and the ARRL June VHF Contest

Alex alex at kr1st.com
Tue Jun 12 08:32:14 EDT 2018

I thought it was a lot better than in previous contests. Sure there were 
some folks not using the contest mode, but I'm just glad they are there 
at all and I'll switch modes and work them. I can't get upset over it.

Now, there is something that can be done in the software. Have it check 
if it's a VHF contest weekend and have it only operate in contest mode 
on FT8 on the VHF bands on those weekends (or nights for the sprints). 
:-) Or only have it only operate in contest mode on VHF at all.

I too ran SO2R with FT8 on 6 on one rig, and with the other radio on two 
meters looking for contacts, making sure I only had one tx signal at any 

--Alex KR1ST (FN21fk)

These kind of gripes remind me of the

On 2018-06-11 23:08, Joel Harrison wrote:
> As a Single Op, my observation is in line with Marshall's.
> I ran an SO2R set up on 6 meters with one radio dedicated to FT-8 on 
> 50.313.
> 73 Joel W5ZN

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