[VHFcontesting] Antenna Question

Alex alex at kr1st.com
Sat May 12 11:55:52 EDT 2018

Hi there,

I'm still getting my feet wet on VHF and I'm contemplating which 
antennas to put up next for 6 and 2 meters.

Initially I was thinking of installing a M2 2M9SSB for 2 meters, but 
then noticed the Cushcraft/MFJ LFA-2M9EL. I don't find much on the web 
about the latter antenna with regard to construction, assembly 
experience, etc.

Has anyone any experience with the Cushcraft/MFJ LFA-2M9EL they could 
share, or an opinion on which antenna you'd prefer? I'm mainly 
interested in sensitivity to detuning due to rain, show and ice, and 
construction quality.

The same goes for 6 meters. I'm looking at the 6M3 (6M5xxx would be 
nice, but the price difference seems a bit exorbitant to me) and a 
Cushcraft/MFJ LFA-6M4EL.

The antennas will be placed on a military style mast (see picture at 
https://www.qrz.com/db/kr1st). The mast in the rotator will be 5 or 6 
feet, and I'm not sure if I should be adding a 70cm beam to that as well 
because pattern distortion because the antennas will be mounted so close 
to each other. The wind load should be OK when I calculate for a 6M3, 
2M9SSB and 440-18 (my initial choice of antennas). The M2 antennas seem 
lighter, which is a big plus for my installation.

--Alex KR1ST (FN21fk)

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