[VHFcontesting] Gear at Dayton

Dan Evans k9zf at yahoo.com
Mon May 21 20:34:59 EDT 2018

I made it up to Xenia on Saturday.
The VHF/UHF forums were great, as usual.  The VHF+ Reverse Beacon Network sounds like it would make a good club project...
I was a little disappointed in the flea market.   It probably had a lot to do with all of the rain, but there just didn't seem to be that much there.  I was passively looking for amplifiers.  I saw several very nice 6 meter KW+ units, that were well beyond my budget.  I also found a few brick amps, but I have been burned on used brick amps before, so I was afraid of those.  I was hoping to find a good deal on an AM-6154 / 6155 for a bit more punch on 2m, but if there was one there I didn't see it.
I would also like to find a hinged base plate for the old "TV" type tower.  There used to be a vendor on eBay that carried them, but sadly, no longer.   I did spot one for 25G, but the dimensions are just a bit different.  It looks like I will have to homebrew one.
I did get to play with a new FT-991A at the Yaesu display.  I've been drooling over these for a few weeks now.  I have an FT897D setup that I'm planning to sell to raise funds to buy a new '991A soon so it was nice to get to check one out in person.
I've been to Dayton many times, but this was my first trip to Xenia and I was impressed.  Yes, it's far from perfect, but in my opinion it's a far cry better than Hara Arena.  Looking forward to going back next year.
-- K9ZF  Vice President, Clark County Amateur Radio Club,Amateur Radio Emergency Service, Clark County Indiana. EM78el The once and future K9ZF /R no budget Rover  ***QRP-l #1269 Check out the Rover Resource Page at:  List Administrator for: InHam+grid-loc+ham-books  Ask me how to join the Indiana Ham Mailing list! 

    On Monday, May 21, 2018, 5:49:10 PM EDT, Bob K0NR - email list <list at k0nr.com> wrote:  
 W0LD was at Hamvention and reported this via twitter:


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