[VHFcontesting] 222 Sprint FN55

Chris Lumens chris at lumensoutdoors.org
Tue Apr 16 15:33:59 EDT 2019

> woo hoo, Looks like I can count on 1 Q in 1 grid tomorrow night! I
> will be on some time after I get home at 8PM from FN54 with my usual
> 50 watts and 15 elements at 120ft. Hope to work many!!

I will be looking for you and N1BUG from FN43 (Bow NH) and FN42 (Bedford
NH).  I've got 130W and a 10el beam, and it'll be about 10' above my
car.  I'll be mainly around 222.1 SSB, but I can do FM and CW if you are
extremely patient too.

Tentative plan is to be in FN43 right at the contest start, spend 30-45
minutes there, then drive about 30 minutes south and operate for another
30-45 from FN42.  I doubt there will be enough activity to warrant
longer than that, but if it's surprisingly busy I will stay out longer.

Hope to work you guys.

Chris Lumens - KG6CIH
Hike * MTB * XC Ski * Haskell
Research - Experimentation - Testing - More Testing

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