[VHFcontesting] Another report from Maine 432 Sprint
Zack Widup
w9sz.zack at gmail.com
Thu Apr 25 11:30:03 EDT 2019
My schedule has just not been able to accommodate any of the Spring Sprints
so far. Sorry I have missed them. I do plan on participating in the
Microwave Sprint from a hill in EN50rl with all bands from 902 through
10368 MHz.
73, Zack W9SZ
On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 10:18 AM Bill Olson <callbill at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Paul and all, I had a fun time in the sprint.. Operated the first 90
> minutes or so. I'm running a barefoot FT991A. 50 watts, no preamp, pretty
> deaf receiver, BUT managed 9 QSO's in 8 grids. Band condx were up and down,
> mostly down. Best DX was K3TUF in FN10 at 470 miles.. I heard N2NT and W2KV
> both in FN20, both easy copy on CW but did not work either, QSB just took
> them away. It is clear to me that N1BUG is hearing better than me and being
> heard better sooooo.. I am extra incentivized to get my KW amp and antenna
> mounted preamp going.. just need to find time hah hah..
> thanks to all who got on and to the sponsor,.. CSVHFS...!
> bill, K1DY in Maine FN54JQ
> ________________________________
> From: VHFcontesting <vhfcontesting-bounces at contesting.com> on behalf of
> N1BUG <paul at n1bug.com>
> Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2019 10:17 AM
> To: VHFcontesting; NEWS VHF Reflector
> Subject: [VHFcontesting] FN55 432 Sprint results
> Only 8 QSOs but from here that's not bad. Among them were N2NT 437
> miles and W2KV 444 miles who was very solid 559. I would call that
> loud. I missed a few I probably could have worked. Heard but did not
> work K3TUF at 503 miles. All from an average or worse QTH that is
> not on a hill. They said I was crazy (well, that's true enough) and
> to be honest, even I wondered about my ability to build a K1FO-40
> but I think I pulled it off!
> I'm going to try to get 6 meters added back into the mix to make it
> the lower four by June. I've decided to build relays to share a feed
> line between HF and 6m. That is the best option to preserve future
> expansion possibilities.
> I can't help feeling with the new station and antennas all over 100
> feet, clear of all the trees there is little to no difference in
> what I can work between 144-222-432. Fascinating. It wasn't like
> this with low antennas! Still wondering how much more challenging /
> distance limited 1296 is but hopeful when and if I get it running I
> will be able to work a few.
> 73,
> Paul N1BUG FN55mf
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