[VHFcontesting] 432 sprint

Ken Kent ka2lim at stny.rr.com
Wed Oct 9 08:32:05 EDT 2019

KA2LIM along with N2CT - Bill (new guy to VHF/UHF weak signal) will be on
tonight from FN12lf for the 432 sprint. 

Seeing as I will be parked in the rover out in the middle of GOD's country,
you can reach me on my cell. 607-731-9052

Looking forward to working as many of you as we can. Help me set the "hook"
a bit deeper in the new guy.





'In God I Trust' regardless of what the govt. says!  

an armed citizen is free, an unarmed citizen is a slave

patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when
it deserves it


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