[VHFcontesting] ARRL SEP VHF Contest

Jonesy W3DHJ mailserver at jonz.net
Mon Sep 9 14:32:30 EDT 2019

Dis-irregardless of my earlier decision to blow off the ARRL SEP VHF
Contest from now on, I will go out this weekend and putz around in
DM77-78-87-88.  A long-time-inactive Colorado rover, KR0VER/r, has
announced his return.  And, he is bringing an OP with him that is
brand new to the Rover "experience".  So, there will be at least three
(3) (me included) Rovers roaming around eastern Colorado for the
contest.  Complaining as much as I have about a precipitous drop in VHF
contest activity in eastern Colorado, I believe it is obligatory for me
to go out and support someone who is "activating" again -- as well as to
support the other intrepid Rover: WB0YM/r.

Saturday Guesstimations:

SAT #1: DM88bb: 1800z~2000z

SAT #2: DM87bw: 2000z~2200z

SAT #3: DM77xw: 2200z~2359z

SAT #4: DM78xa: 0000z~0200+z

Sunday  Guesstimations:

SUN #1: DM78xa: 1300z~1615z

SUN #2: DM77xw: 1615z~1930z

SUN #3: DM87cx: 1930z~2245z

SUN #4: DM88bb: 2245z~0200+z

Even if I wish to QRT early each day, I'll be in place until at least
0115Z -- to avoid driving into the sun on the long drive west to the QTH.

Rover Limited:
6M SSB & CW -- 100W + Halo
2M SSB & CW -- 140W + stacked Halos
432 SSB & 446 FM -- 80W and 8 ele (V & H)

A little more description:   https://w3dhj.net/vhfrover_plans.php

As of now, the TV Weather Guessers show a bright, sunny, but HOT,
weekend for the rove in S.E. Colorado.

73 ES GL to all,
  Marvin L Jones     | W3DHJ      | W3DHJ  | https://W3DHJ.net/
   Pueblo, Colorado  |  @         | Jonesy |     __ linux FreeBSD
    38.238N 104.547W |   jonz.net | DM78rf | 73  SK

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