[VHFcontesting] W9KXI FN12ne

Allen Oldfield aoldfiel at stny.rr.com
Tue Sep 10 16:13:27 EDT 2019

I will be on for the contest this weekend from my home location, FN12ne.


I will be on the following bands:

.       6M - mostly FT8 at 100 watts.  If I operate SSB or CW it will be at
the 200 watt level.

.       2M - SSB and CW at 1KW.  I will only operate FT8 if nothing is
happening on SSB/CW.  Power level on FT8 is 50 watts.

.       222 - SSB and CW at 600+ watts.  No digital

.       432 - SSB and CW at 600+ watts.  No digital

.       1296 - SSB and CW at 50 watts.  No digital  This is a "new" set up,
meant to get more power to the antenna.


As I write this, I don't know what frequencies that I will be on for


Operating hours.

Saturday 1400 local time until ???

Sunday 0700 local time until ???



Good Luck, Have Fun.

Al - W9KXI


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