[VHFcontesting] VE3SMA/R Limited Rover in ARRLSeptember VHF Contest

Steve Kavanagh sjkavanagh1 at yahoo.ca
Wed Sep 11 16:38:02 EDT 2019

Tony, VE3RZ, will be joining me again in another go at Limited Rover.  We will be operating with CW/SSB on 50, 144, 222 and 432 MHz (and limited FM on 2m, maybe also on 6m and 440).  I hope to have more power on 6m and 432 than previous September roves...amps are working....battery to run them still needs work!  We should have some WSJT-X capability on all bands but may be limited by computer power considerations to fairly short durations.

Here's our plan:


1800-2015 FN14ba 
2110-2200 FN13ax 
2230-0030 FN04xa 


1230-1500 FN03bi
1600-1700 EN92/93/FN02/03 grid corner (mobile antennas only)
1715-1830 FN02ax
2020-2245 EN92mp
0050-0300 EN93sg

We should be active while mobile in between those times, as well.  Sked requests are welcome and whenever possible we will monitor ON4KST Region 2 2m/70cm chat. We will try a 2m CQ frequency of 144.187 MHz USB/CW.  At times when we are trying to work local rovers 144.237 will be good bet to find us.  

Steve VE3SMA/R

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