[VHFcontesting] K1SIG/R September VHF Contest Plans

Sean Waite waisean at gmail.com
Fri Sep 13 16:00:19 EDT 2019

Alright...no minute like last minute. Chris KG6CIH and I have finally
decided what our route for the contest is going to be.

FN34wa - Bradford Information Center
FN33xi - Sunapee High Point
FN43fb - Quincy Mountain

FN42fg - Westborough Water Tower (we may pick another FN42 site, depends on
where we end up Saturday night)
FN41cu - Apple orchard/cell site
FN31tx - Soapstone Mountain
FN32ou - Hogback Mountain

Times for this will be fuzzy. Maybe 2 hours at each site, maybe longer on
Sunday sites as we have more time.

Our setup:
6m - IC-7000, 100W to moxon
2m - IC-910H, 100W to 7el
1.25m - FT818 w/ Ukranian Xvrtr w/ amp, 130ishW to 9el
70cm - IC-910H, 75(ish)W to 11el
33cm - FT818 w/ SG Lab xvrtr, 3W to 11el
23cm - FT818 w/ SG Lab xvrtr, 2W to 14el
13cm, FT818 w/ SG Lab xvrr, 2W to 21el
9cm, FT818 w/SG Lab xvrtr, 3W to 45el

Nothing on 6cm, I didn't get that gear working yet. Maybe I'll get it
together. Depends on whether or not I decide sleep is important before

3cm I have 10mW to a small horn if I can pull some stuff together tonight.
1.2cm I have 0.1mW to an even smaller horn that is totally untested and
might actually work.

As per usual, some of this gear is used but new-to-us and we're pretty sure
it'll work but also who knows. We'll be running as Unlimited Rover.

Good luck in the contest and 73,
Sean Waite, WA1TE

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