[VHFcontesting] VHFcontesting Digest, Vol 201, Issue 23

Mark Spencer mark at alignedsolutions.com
Tue Sep 24 14:52:50 EDT 2019

My motivation is similar to Paul's.   Over the last few decades I have amassed a reasonable amount of gear that gets little use outside of VHF and up contests and the occasional "grid activation."

I like the logistical and technical challenges of traveling to out of the way locations and making over the horizon VHF and up Qso's from those locations.  I also find most of my QSO's take place along a narrow corridor into western Washington / Oregon.)  Local activity seems to ebb and flow (and seems to be on an up swing at the moment) but there are enough active operators in Washington and Oregon to keep my interest level up even if there are no "locals" for me to work.   I suspect my signal is often quite weak at the other end of the path.

It is nice to hear and see the weak signal portion of the bands being used.

Mark S

mark at alignedsolutions.com
604 762 4099

> On Sep 24, 2019, at 10:31 AM, N1BUG <paul at n1bug.com> wrote:
> Roger,
> I guess it is a matter of perspective. There is NO way I will ever
> win a contest. I am too far removed from the centers of activity and
> struggling to find QSOs. Also I am not doing contests to compete.
> There is so little activity any other time I use contests to make
> QSOs so that my equipment serves some purpose other than dust
> collection. In the past I have been lazy and didn't submit logs. I'm
> trying to do better now only because I think we need to show that we
> are using our bands and every little bit may help.
> I'm fighting geography and QRM. I'm reasonably far outside the NE
> corridor looking in. Virtually all of my QSOs will come from the
> corridor but my signal will mostly be weak there. It's not easy but
> that's why I do VHF -- because it's not easy!
> 73,
> Paul N1BUG
>> On 9/23/19 12:26 PM, Roger - W7TZ wrote:
>> Paul,
>> I very much agree with the majority of your thoughts. Although it's a
>> different world out here in the pacific northwest where I have to overcome
>> geography instead of QRM. One thing I do disagree on is your statement,
>> "I'm not your competition.". Yes, you are competition. If not for
>> competition, there is no contest.
>> 73, Roger
>> W7TZ
>> CN83ia
>> Grid Busters
>> w7tz.webs.com
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