[VHFcontesting] [nmvhf] Pondering

Tim Lee tim.lee at sbcglobal.net
Thu Sep 26 13:52:11 EDT 2019

Due to antenna restrictions, poor band conditions, etc, a LOT of folks are only able to make a number of contacts using weak signal modes/techniques.  
My .02,
73 Tim W5TRL

Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Thursday, September 26, 2019, 9:43 AM, John Kludt <johnnykludt at gmail.com> wrote:


Why are you always so hard on those who chose to do digital?  Folks who use
digital are not necessarily idiots.  Please recall that some of the digital
modes are more sensitive than good old CW and may represent a way to extend
ones range on the bands above 6m and 2m.  In a recent test in which I
participated on 1296 MHz we used FT8 first to establish a direct path
contact and recorded the signal strength.  One advantage of the WSJT family
of modes is an objective signal strength relative to a standard.  We then
began shooting at some peaks we could both see and again went thorough the
same tests recording the signal strengths.  One of the objectives of all of
this was to develop a map for future use above 1296.

So isn't that in the spirit of experimentation and advancing the art and
science of radio?  I suppose we could have done that on CW or maybe SSB.
But generating an objective written record of results would have been more

Maybe it is time to recognize that there are a number of modes one can use
when playing with VHF and above.  Some are very old like CW (100 years old
next year) and others are very much newer.  One of the strengths of Amateur
Radio is the there is a place for all of them as we pursue the fun that is
our hobby.



On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 3:38 AM N1BUG <paul at n1bug.com> wrote:

> On 9/25/19 9:38 PM, Bill Schwantes wrote:
> > As long as the "submitted logs" metric is thought to be the accepted
> > goodness factor, we'll have a difficult time convincing anyone that
> > anything needs fixing. Average VHF QSOs per log is decreasing. So is
> > activity on the higher UHF bands; and those are the metrics we should use
> > in discussions about changes.
> Well said! That is exactly what I have been thinking. People are
> suggesting too simple of a metric be used. I have no doubt the
> number of participants overall is on the rise, but if average QSOs
> per log and activity on higher bands is decreasing, to me that is a
> serious problem which should be discussed. Can we find solutions
> that work? I honesty don't know, but I think the issue deserves
> attention. We'll have a tough time of it though, due to the fact
> that so many only do 6 and/or 2 meters and many of those only
> digital. They, naturally, have no interest in fixing this problem.
> 73,
> Paul N1BUG
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