[VHFcontesting] Contest Operating Proposal

Walter Miller, AJ6T aj6t at comcast.net
Sat Jan 18 12:12:11 EST 2020

Paul, et al

Getting stations together at the same time and on the same mode is one 
of the keys to higher QSO rates, especially in January when propagation 
is likely to be poor.  All of the skeds I have ever run "at the top of 
the hour" began on the hour (19:00, 20:00, etc.).  The bottom of the 
hour begins at 30 minutes past the hour (19:30, 20:30, etc.). Let's see 
if we can get critical mass going on SSB at the top of the hour and 
CW/digital at the bottom of the hour.  Operators are not likely to hang 
around those watering holes for very long.

I hope to be operational from a new QTH in Tennessee (EM66) with a very 
low-key effort.....10 watts and attic antennas.

73, Walt, AJ6T, EM66

On 1/18/2020 6:00 AM, paulrollinson wrote:
> I like the idea of top of the hour ssb, bottom of the hour cw/dig.Define top of the hour? :45 -:15?Obviously, the rest is bottom of the hour.

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