[VHFcontesting] KG6CIH/R roving plans

Chris Lumens chris at lumensoutdoors.org
Wed Jun 10 16:42:27 EDT 2020

Due to surrounding states still having quarantine rules in place,
KG6CIH/R will be sticking to an NH-only rove this time.  And
because there's really only so many places to go in NH, it's going
to be a Sunday-only rove.  My stops are as follows:


* FN33xi - 1200z - 1330z
  This is a dead end in a neighborhood mear Mount Sunapee with very
  good views to the north and west.  I should be able to easily work
  microwaves in those directions, perhaps some to the south too.

* FN34xb - 1500z - 1630z
  This is a middle school in Haverhill NH.  I don't know what to expect
  from this location.  I might leave early.

* FN44fi - 1730z - 1900z
  This is a scenic pull off on NH 115.  There's big views to the north
  and west.  I should be able to easily work microwaves into Vermont and

* FN43cx - 2000z - 2130z
  This is a "scenic" pull off on NH 118.  There is visibility to the
  south and mountains directly to the north.

* AF1T's house - 2300z
  Just stopping long enough to work him on a bunch of microwave bands.

* FN42gw - 0000z until I get bored
  This is a Lowes parking lot in Bedford NH with good visibility to
  the north and buildings blocking to the south.  I should be able
  to work people north and east on microwaves.

Gear is as follows:

* 6m - 100w, moxon
* 2m - 50w, 7el
* 1.25m - 135w, 10el
* 70cm - 35w, 15el
* 33cm - 3w, 11el
* 23cm - 2w, 14el
* 13cm - 2w, 27el
* 9cm - 3w, 45el

I'll be on SSB and CW if needed, no digital modes in the car.  I won't
be monitoring any chat pages.  If you think you'll be able to work me
from any of these spots, I'd be happy to privately share my phone
number.  Even with the shorter rove, I think this should still be lots
of fun!

Chris Lumens - KG6CIH
Hike * MTB * XC Ski * Haskell
Research - Experimentation - Testing - More Testing

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