[VHFcontesting] W4EO Rover (VA/MD/PA) June VHF

Grid Pirates Grid.Pirates at k8gp.net
Thu Jun 11 21:15:22 EDT 2020

Hi Guys

  Just wanted to get the word out that friend Jason W4EO (ex-KJ4EOO) will
be on the air this weekend using the old N3UW/K8GP rover from 2014.


  Terry W8ZN and I (K1RA) helped resurrect the rover and got it going again
on 50 MHz thru 10 GHz for this June VHF.  I've plotted a course for Jason
to hit some of the high spots in this area.  Here's his proposed route

Sat.             GMT          Local
FM18ax  1800-1930  1400-1530
FM08us  2030-0100  1630-2100
FM09te  0230-0330  2230-2330

Sun.             GMT          Local
FM19aw  1100-1500  0700-1100
FN00wa  1530-1830  1130-1430
FM09wx  1835-2135  1435-1735
FM18br  0005-0300  2005-2300

Jason's contact info is 410-725-4262 (SMS) or jason.a.donnelly at gmail.com

Track him on APRS.FI <http://aprs.fi/> at


Please reach out to him, say HI and tell him Andy/K1RA sent you.  He's op'd
some VHF contests in the past, but never as a rover, so please be patient.
We're trying to recruit some new rover blood for the area and hope to keep
him around for a while !

73 & good luck this weekend!

andyz - K1RA

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