[VHFcontesting] Fwd: VHF Contests Rules Discussion and Proposal

Alan Larson wa6azp at gmail.com
Tue Mar 17 01:28:55 EDT 2020

  Allowing 3 contacts per station for (SSB, CW, and digital) will force
stations to operate
all three modes in order to maximize their score.  It will leave SSB/CW
cross mode contacts
unclear, but will motivate more stations to operate CW as well as digital.
FM might count
as SSB (phone) for this?

  Allowing analog and digital as 2 contacts per station still forces all
non-casual stations
to operate both analog and digital modes to get all possible QSO points.
Counting digital
multipliers in addition would also force digital on operators.

    The solution might be to restrict computer to computer digital modes to
an "unlimited"
class, and not allow the computer modes in the legacy classes.


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