[VHFcontesting] [NEWSVHF] 222 Activity Night N1BUG

ww1z_1 at juno.com ww1z_1 at juno.com
Wed Aug 11 18:57:55 EDT 2021


I heard you chatting with Dave off the back of my antenna here in
southern NH.  When I turned it around you were around S4 on my S-Meter
and Dave was only S8.  He was obviously not aiming my way at that time!
By far the strongest I have ever heard you.  Later I heard you on CW. 
Strong enough to read your call but not by much. Typical of how I hear

John, WW1Z

On Wed, 11 Aug 2021 05:42:33 -0400 N1BUG <paul at n1bug.com> writes:
> Well that was nearly a bust! I don't know when I have seen conditions 
> so 
> poor and I made an error in strategy.
> I had a brief chat with K1WHS at the start.
> Tried a chat-coordinated sked with K1DS using Q65-60A. I saw 
> nothing. 
> Rick reported seeing a sync tone but no decodes. Discovered when it 
> is 
> hot in the shack my driver amp gets warmer than I feel is a good 
> idea so 
> I scrambled around really fast and found a 12V fan to sit on top of 
> it 
> and made a quick connection to a nearby power supply.
> Tried chat-coordinated skeds with KA2LIM and WA2VNV. Not a peep.
> Heard VE2XX talking to K1WHS but I was busy with a coordinated QSO 
> attempt and didn't get a chance to work Stu.
> Heard someone else (N1QG I think but not 100% sure) with Dave but I 
> was 
> busy with a sked.
> Heard two stations chatting on 222.119.4, didn't give calls before 
> they 
> both faded out.
> Called CQ on CW for a while and worked WZ1V.
> So I had just two QSOs, K1WHS and WZ1V. Conditions seemed really 
> horrible. One lesson learned for next time is no chat coordinated 
> attempts in the first hour or so. That time should be left free for 
> working the easy ones that I can hear around the band without 
> assistance.
> There was some EME activity and since I had not had any prior 
> opportunity to see if I could hear signals off the moon on 222 I 
> went 
> down to listen in on that. The only station transmitting was K1WHS. 
> I 
> was decoding him direct of course, but for 45 minutes or so I was 
> also 
> seeing his sync tone clearly via the EME path. At times I could also 
> see 
> all of his tones via the EME path, but I never got an EME decode. 
> This 
> was curious because I know Dave's EME signal was strong enough for 
> solid 
> decodes, probably around -20 to -18 or so. Does WSJT-X refuse to 
> decode 
> the same call sign twice on two different frequencies within the 
> passband on JT65? I am encouraged that I could see Dave's EME signal 
> so 
> well despite a bit of power line noise, but it doesn't appear there 
> is 
> much interest in Q65 among the 222 EME crowd.
> I will be on ON4KST chat and Ping Jockey trying to find folks to run 
> meteors this morning until 1300z. I have modified my schedule to 
> free up 
> all of Thursday the 12th and Friday the 13th (oops, do I want to run 
> radios that day considering how my luck has been lately? HI HI) for 
> meteor scatter. Unfortunately I don't think there are many within 
> range 
> on 222 that I haven't already worked. I hope some come out of the 
> woodwork as I have been having a lot of fun with the meteors over 
> the 
> past week.
> 73,
> Paul N1BUG
> FN55mf
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