[VHFcontesting] 222 MHz beacons in the NE

David Olean k1whs at metrocast.net
Fri Aug 27 17:33:36 EDT 2021

VE2FUT is running FSK, so you will hear two separate signals.


On 8/27/2021 12:51 PM, Bill Olson wrote:
> Hi all, Dave's posting about the 222 beacons prompted me to look WNW 
> for the VE2FUT beacon (now that my rotator works again!). I copy it 
> today about S2 w/QSB on 222.281 (or thereabouts).. At first there 
> seemed to be another beacon in there too maybe a kc or so lower in 
> frequency but I couldn't make it out.. But now I am pretty sure 
> VE2FUT/B is FSK and i am copying the "other half" of the CW can 
> someone confirm this. Weird thing is the QSB peaks on the "two 
> signals" didn't seem to coincide but hey.....
> bill k1DY in Maine FN54JQ
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* VHFcontesting 
> <vhfcontesting-bounces+callbill=hotmail.com at contesting.com> on behalf 
> of David Olean <k1whs at metrocast.net>
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 26, 2021 7:15 PM
> *To:* NEWSVHF at mailman.qth.net <NEWSVHF at mailman.qth.net>; 
> vhfcontesting at contesting.com <vhfcontesting at contesting.com>
> *Subject:* [VHFcontesting] 222 MHz beacons in the NE
> I have been lamenting the passing of Steve K1IIG. In addition to being a
> very cool guy, he had some very effective beacons running in FN31. The
> 222 beacon was far enough away to give a good indication that my gear
> was working OK.  Since that beacon went QRT, I only have the K2DLL
> beacon in FN23 to listen to. It is 25 to 30dB above the noise, so that
> is good, but I miss having something audible to the SW. In the past, the
> W3CCX beacon was always copyable up here, but lately I hear nothing from
> that area.
> It has been a longtime since I copied K3CX/b down in Philly. I found it
> on 222.0528 or so.  I heard that W3CCX is gone. Their 222 beacon was a
> powerhouse up here and was a great band indicator.
> So my question is what are the beacons on the air today on 222? My 
> list was:
> K1IIG/b in FN31  222.060   QRT now
> K2DLL FN23        222.0492    30 dB typical in summer.
> W2UTH    FN12    222.0503    very weak fades in and out.
> KO1I/b in FN44   loud here
> K3CX/b   FM29     222.0528           not heard in a long time. Is it
> still operating?
> WA4FC/b      FM17   222.060               Only audible during tropo
> openings.
> VE2FUT  FN25  222.280 (?)         20-25 dB out of noise NW beam heading
> So, I only hear four beacons at the present time and none of them are SW
> towards the activity areas.  Any beacons that I am missing?
> 73
> Dave K1WHS
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