[VHFcontesting] digital

Drew Arnett arnett.drew at gmail.com
Wed Feb 10 18:37:23 EST 2021

I was curious as to how much effort our multi-multi Field Day team
should put in on digital (on HF).  I grabbed summary data from the
last 20 years from the results articles.  See the PDF with plots:


Fun to see trends prior to FT, the FT phenomenon, as well as the COVID-19 bump.

Looks like FT bit into both CW and phone, but more phone.  Given that
the VHF contest QSOs were mostly phone, the FT impact should be
greater than for FD.

I should add entries and participants.  The trends there are interesting, too.

Best regards,


ps.  If folks want a digital free VHF+ contest, why wait for the ARRL?
 Just organize something.

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