[VHFcontesting] FW: Re: Where Have All the Multi's Gone?

Mike Smith VE9AA ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Sat Jan 30 08:44:34 EST 2021

Sorry-had sent this to “cq-contest” by mistake. Should’ve gone here. My bad




Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


Times change.  I am in a sparsely populated area for VHF/UHF ops.  Even back
20-30 yrs ago there weren’t very many of us around here in Atlantic Canada
but there were a few.

Now most of the old timers are all gone and they haven’t been replaced with
younger guys.


The new threat is FT8
.it has totally ruined my 6m and up experience.


When 6m opens on Es to the USA or EU for DX, 99% of the activity is on FT8.
I have called CQ literally for ½ hour on CW (say, on 50.095) when I’ve
either heard a handful of QRP (USA) beacons or been spotted all over by the
RBN and worked maybe 1 guy.


Gives me very very little motivation to get on SSB and CW for a contest. (or
to give out new grids or countries on 2m or 6m to the deserving by running a
grid/rover expedition or a real country DXpedition
which I’ve done in the


Nope-things are different.  That’s it.  You have your answer.


.I used to really like “talking” to you fellas on SSB or CW too.  Have
visited a few of you in New England over the years as well.


FT8 has made us lazy. Where’s the challenge?


Cheers from FN66


Mike VE9AA

.ex CY9AA CY0AA mid to late 1990’s + many grids up this way as




Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


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