[VHFcontesting] Microburst Disaster

Mike Smith VE9AA ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Thu Jul 1 11:20:13 EDT 2021

So sorry to hear of the terrible destruction there Dave.


I've lost a few towers over the years.  The last time was my 2 x 8el 6m all
homebrew array and tower.  That was a killer antenna system.

Almost 11 years ago exactly and it was my last tower.  I just couldn't move
past the sickening feeling that I am sure you';re feeling right now that so
many of us know, so I've downsized and done tree supported 4 square arrays
on HF and short masts for VHF (not suggesting you do this btw)


I hope you are able to receive the help you need to rebuild.


Mike VE9AA FN66


Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


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